Details for BOX ELDER FINANCE OFFICE - Ad from 2024-11-30

ORDINANCE 757 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE FOLLOWING APPROPRIATIONS NECESSARY TO MEET THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BOX ELDER, SOUTH DAKOTA FOR FISCAL YEAR 2025. Be it Ordained by the Common council of the City of Box Elder, South °®¶¹app, that the following sums are appropriated to meet the obligations of the Municipality. Section One APPROPRIATIONS General Fund (101) Special Tax (211) Special Tax (213) Capital Projects (501) TIF (755) Water (602) Sewer (604) Solid Waste (612) 410 General Government 4100 Council/Mayor $721,108 4141 Legal Attorney $255,000 4142 Finance $848,840 4143 Human Resources $403,577 Total General Government $2,228,525 420 Public Safety 4211 Police $4,273,432 Totals Police Departments $4,273,432 431 Public Works 4311 Public Works Administration $298,923 4312 Roads $1,980,078 4313 Engineering $369,230 4314 Fleet $230,566 Total Public Works $2,878,797 450 Culture and Recreation 4521 Parks $937,741 Total Culture and Recreation $937,741 460 Conservation & Development 4652 Planning & Zoning $1,374,120 Total Conservation & Development $1,374,120 211 Special Fund 4801 Promoting the City $640,208 213 Special Fund 4800 Business Improvement District #1 $171,000 4807 Business Improvement District #2 $1,781,600 501 Capital Projects 9003 Well #10 $726,136 9004 14/16 Wastewater Upsizing $7,644,543 9008 Foxborough Trail Solar Lighting $81,000 9009 Foxborough Park Bridge Replacement $170,000 9011 Prarie View Water Tank #4 Replacement $3,541,250 9012 PW Administrative Building $36,000 9021 Sidewalk- 225th and Tower Rd (Phase 4) $109,785 9025 FEMA HMGP Generators - Wells 4 & 5 $240,135 9028 FEMA HMGP GNRTRS CH $53,419 9031 FEMA H&H STUDY $150,000 9032 Cheyenne Blvd Sewer DSGN $6,260,000 9037 S. Well 7 $400,000 9041 Cheyenne Blvd. Road Extension $3,000,000 9043 Fuel Island Cover $8,000 9049 City Hall Expansion $160,000 9050 Tank 6 Liner $125,000 9051 West Sunnydale Street $2,000,000 9052 N. Ellsworth Rd. Street and Intersections $775,000 755 TIF Fund 4100 TIF Loans $1,200,000 602 Enterprise Fund 4335 Water $3,723,300 604 Enterprise Fund 4321 Sewer $2,398,257 612 Solid Waste Fund 4323 Solid Waste $452,541 TOTAL 2025 APPROPRIATIONS 11,692,615 $640,208 $1,952,600 $25,480,268 $1,200,000 $3,723,300 $2,398,257 $452,541 REVENUE Estimated Carryover Utilized $1,512,881 $455,612 $3,806,207 $4,572,029 $137 $2,638,289 $1,043,079 $73,509 310 Taxes $6,747,537 320 Licenses and Permits $571,700 330 Intergovernmental Revenue $1,055,031 340 Charges for Goods and Services $15,000 350 Fines & Forfeitures $12,500 360 Miscellaneous $1,320,000 390 Other Finances Sources $685,914 Total Government Funds $10,407,681 313 Spec Rev Liquor, Lodge, Dining $450,000 $ 346 Event Center Activities $42,500 $ 367 Donations $ $ $ Total Special Revenue Fund 211 $ $492,500 $ $ $ - $ - $ 316 BID #1 Occupancy Tax $ $1,950,000 316 BID #2 Occupancy Tax $ $1,750,000 $ Total Special Revenue Fund 213 $ $ $3,700,000 $ $ - $ - $ 390 Debt Proceeds $ $ $ $14,065,760 $ - $ - $ $ 334 Grant Revenue $10,047,382 $ Total Capital Projects Revenue Fund $ $ $ $24,113,142 $ - $ - $ 311 TID Revenue $1,200,000 $ Total TIF Revenue Fund $ $ $ $ - $1,200,000 $ - $ 360 Enterprise Funds - Miscellaneous $ $ $ $ $ $772,396 $ $ 380 Enterprise Funds - Charges for Goods and Services $ $ $ $ $ - $2,893,600 $3,014,709 $475,392 Total Enterprise Funds $ $ $ $ $ - $3,665,996 $3,014,709 $475,392 TOTAL 2025 MEANS OF FINANCE 11,920,562 $948,112 $7,506,207 $28,685,171 $1,200,137 $6,304,285 $4,057,788 $548,901 Estimated Surplus of (Shortage) $227,947 $307,904 $5,553,607 $3,204,903 $137 $2,580,985 $1,659,531 $96,360 The following is a summary of those funds for which spending authority has been approved by the electorate: Fund Authorized Expenses General $11,692,615 Special 211 $640,208 Special 213 $1,952,600 Capital $25,480,268 TIF $1,200,000 Water $3,723,300 Sewer $2,398,257 Solid Waste $452,541 Total $47,539,789 Section Two The City Finance Officer is hereby authorized and directed to certify $2,699,228 as the property tax levies stated in this ordinance to the Pennington County Auditor. This amount increases the prior year’s requested levy by growth (2.64%), plus CPI (3.0%). Section Three That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of conflict only. Dated this 19th Day of November, 2024. 2024 Tax $2,536,392 By Order of the Common Council 2025 CPI 3.00% 2,612,483.76 /s/Larry Larson, Mayor Stored 0.00% 2,612,483.76 Attest: /s/Nicole Schneider, City Administrator & Chief Finance Officer Growth 2.64% 2,699,228.37 Introduction & First Reading: 11/12/2024 Total% 5.64% 162,836.37 Second Reading & Adoption: 11/19/2024 (Published November 30, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $404.79 and may be viewed free of charge at Legal No: 68511